Thursday, December 07, 2006

Love that free publicity

Today Mimi and I were interviewed for the Halifax Chronicle Herald business section. Of the two daily papers here, that's the better one ... the one that is comparable to the Toronto Star, as opposed to the Sun. It was for part of a series of articles featuring local small businesses, craft-based businesses I think. I'm not sure when it will run, but when it does of course I will place a link here! It's exciting because you can't buy publicity like that. (Assuming that they write good things about us!)

A word about my knitting. Right now I am doing one of many projects I've been doing with other people lately. I'm making a hat for a fisherman from New Brunswick who does a lot of good work for the endangered right whale. Among other things, he risks his life to disentangle right whales from fishing gear. Someone asked me to make him one of these hats that has whale flukes on top.

Here's one I made for someone else.

I couldn't say no. But once I'm finished it, and then finished that one thing for my Mom and that scarf for Bill that I started last year and then the sweater my 8-year-old niece asked me for - then I have all sorts of plans for things to knit for me. New Year's resolution - make things for myself :)
It just occurred to me that a more interesting post than this would be about my 90-year-old friend Gwladys. (Yes that's really how to spell her name.) But it's late now, so I'll save that for next time. Anyway I'm going to visit her tomorrow, so before too long I will write a little about one of the most interesting people I know.

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